The Team

Experience and Understanding

The ‘brains’ of the operation… Founders Marcus and Mitch are both trained Outdoor Education teachers and have previously worked within Australia and around the globe leading camps and expeditions. They both love the industry and wanted to support it in another way and this is how Offtrack was born. However, as Offtrack has grown so has its team! Offtrack has a team of dedicated outdoors people across the country. Our team all come onboard with backgrounds in the guiding space and outdoor education fields meaning they have the know how, background and experience in running and planning a successful outdoor program!


The Offtrack Family

We have a great family of outdoor educators, professionals, photographers and adventurers that we work closely with. You will see them featuring on videos and socials regularly. If you would like to be an Offtrack Ambassador then get in touch!

The 2nd Life Project

Reduce // Rehome // Recycle

Powered by Offtrack, The 2nd Life Project is a social initiative that helps support programs and people who could better utilise our unused camping equipment.

“It’s unwise to pay too much, but it’s worse to pay too little.
When you pay too much, you lose a little money – that’s all.
When you pay too little, you sometimes lose everything, because the thing you bought was incapable of doing the thing it was bought to do”

John Ruskin


2014 - Born beside a campfire near Mount Bogong

"How good would it be to help leaders get cheaper equipment!!" Marcus ran with this basic idea and turned a conversation about supplying equipment into reality. This is where he started what was then called 'Wilderness Solutions'.

2015 - Busy trying to learn business from the confines of a tent

While guiding around 200 nights a year Wilderness Solutions established its first group of regular customers! This was the beginning of the journey and only encouraged the growth and expansion of the business further.

2016 - It all starts to become too much for one

With the growth of the business Marcus decided it was near impossible to run in a professional manner whilst he was still loaded with so many camps. It came to the point where it was either all in or all out. The organic growth of the business and positive feedback spurred Marcus on to split the load and expand again in the form of a business partner (Mitch).

2017 - The rise of Offtrack

In 2017 Marcus and Mitch continued to expand, moving to a new warehouse, expanding the range and pushing into the industrial market of fleet equipment!

2019 - Website Launch

As the business expanded Offtrack needed a bigger online presence and the ability for customers to see the range and shop online! The Offtrack website certainly wasn't as you see now but it was an important step in the journey.

2022 - The New Shop & Team!

Offtrack has now launched its new shop with some new staff additions on location and interstate. We welcome all customers to visit and see the range in person! Groups, guides, shoppers and outdoor lovers are always welcome to drop by and say G'Day!

Does the team still guide in the outdoors?
Marcus and Mitch both try to actively lead a student group or two on trips across Victoria and globe where they can! Although, it can be challenging to find the time to escape the shop!