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Quote Now showcases many of the products we access but may not have in stock right now. We will take note of your interest in the product and update you with ETA’s current pricing or even alternative products if the product is not accessible for whatever reason.
Buy It Now are the products we have in our warehouse and you can expect these to be delivered in a a few days time.
Rent Now is an ever changing category, slowly but surely our rental range at Offtrack is getting larger so if you are interested in renting equipment then we can cater for these needs.
Walking Poles
Save your legs and get some walking poles. See the weight they take off your legs by simply standing on a set of scales and let each pole touch the ground as if standing on the side of the trail. You will notice the scales decrease in weight, now think about this weight being taken off every step and the fatigue you can avoid.
Simply get in touch with Offtrack to find out the specifics of what deals we have on offer across our whole range.